You just got that first date with the girl you’ve been eyeing for weeks now, and this means she finds you reasonably attractive, witty, and is willing to give you at least one chance to prove your mettle. She has seen you in your office uniform, workplace, school, etc. setting for a while now, and psychological studies have proven that first impressions are lasting when it comes to pairing, so you’ve got just once chance at impressing her with your casual true self outside of the usual setting. Granted that a positive attitude and self-confidence can’t be replaced with a dapper outfit, it does go a long way however! So let’s work on your image so that you can cross that important threshold and achieve the second date.
Opinions are entirely varied when it comes to a woman’s screening criteria for a man during a first date, however one thing is for certain. KISS—keep it simple stupid. The first date is not the time to bust out all of your peacock feathers and plumage, no woman wants to be outshone by another, especially not by her new date! The first date is a chance to get to meet someone in a relaxed, and casual environment, not an opportunity to show her how you look with a bow tie, or a three piece suit! Don’t forget that piece of advice mates, because if you go overboard on the style department you may commit a fashion faux pas in her books, and axe your chances of a second get together.
Simplicity is all about avoiding extremes, so don’t spring for your tight crotch enlarging pants, or that extra baggy pair of want to straddle the middle as best as possible—spring for your fitted trousers instead. If you have a rather flamboyant style, try to be a little more conservative on the first date. Don’t show all of your style cards on the first meeting, you will just be an open book, intrigue and mystery, breed interest and peak desire.
To further carry on the topic of intrigue, don’t wear an excessively tight fitting top, and this applies to hard bodies, and especially the gents with a more flabby upper body. You want to keep her guessing, and let her imagination run a little wild and wonder what you are packing under there. Fitted tops are okay if you have Adonis’ pecs, but just don’t go overboard, capish? Another thing that many people forget is don’t wear any t-shirts with huge beer, sports team, rock band, etc. logos on the front...a big turn off for many women who may not be as big of a fan of the featured item as you are—you’re not a walking billboard. If you are a t-shirt aficionado, it’s okay to wear solid colours, and layer with other items to capture your true personality! It’s okay if a small label such as Lacoste, or Hugo Boss is showing, just nothing dramatic that is emblazoned across your chest.
Your choice of footwear, and your watch are the two biggest draws on that first date when it comes to attire. You can be sure that your lady friend is going to check them out, so remember to keep it simple, and elegant. Clean those two items before the date, just to make sure that it’s perfect! And on a final note we’d like to remind you not to wear excess jewellery, keep the bling slightly muted on that day, because at the end of the day we want her to judge you by your personality, and not what you are wearing. Good luck mates!
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