Welcome to the Metropolitan, the internet’s premiere fashion hub specializing in fashion resources tailored for men who reside in urban environments. The concept was born out of the dreams of a man and woman who together envisioned a need to provide men who seek out help on how to attain a sense of style and confidence, with the honest help that they so desperately seek. With the rapid globalization brought on by the internet, a plethora of fashion forward websites catering to the needs of fashionable women everywhere seemingly sprung up over night. However there was, and still is a deficit of websites offering a similar calibre of advice for gentlemen. The vast majority of male friendly websites are heavily advertisement driven and plug their products every chance that they get. We offer an alternative. We gain no monetary reward from this venture and seek to fill that void, and bridge the disparity between fashion conscious men and women by providing honest, unbiased aid to those who desire it. We are an open forum and encourage debate and discussion, and urge you to participate! The name was Metropolitan chosen because this website hopes to be of service like the Paris underground (called Metropolitan) and provide a link between people from around the world who have a passion for fashion. Our blog is registered on the listings below:
Thank you for visiting Metropolitan, your home on the internet for all things fashionable. Yes! we really do read all of your helpful comments and concerns, they are highly appreciated. You are free to express your opinion, but please refrain from using derogatory language that may offend other readers. Any comments in violation of this simple rule will be deleted. If you have a website of similar content please feel free to plug it here! Unlike most other venues we are open to that sort of thing, and it is encouraged here as long as it is helpful to other readers and not pure spam!
Disclaimer: We own the majority of images used on this blog, however, do to the nature of the fashion establishment, reporting on current topics require us to borrow some images in order to bring you a comprehensive outlook on the industry. If you are the owner of a borrowed image and are unhappy with its nonprofit use here on Metropolitan, we will gladly remove the offending material if you can provide proof of original ownership. We advise you to read our Terms and Conditions. If you are interested in having your work published in Metropolitan, or have a comment or suggestion, please contact Metropolitan's Chief Editor, Ashbee at alphaevan@gmail.com . We're here to help, so let us know how we can!
The Metropolitan proudly announces that it is 100% advertisement free. You will never find an advertisement banner on this website. If we promote a particular product, it is because we believe in it, and use it ourselves! To learn more about our listings click here.
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Thank you for visiting Metropolitan, your home on the internet for all things fashionable. Yes! we really do read all of your helpful comments and concerns, they are highly appreciated. You are free to express your opinion, but please refrain from using derogatory language that may offend other readers. Any comments in violation of this simple rule will be deleted. If you have a website of similar content please feel free to plug it here! Unlike most other venues we are open to that sort of thing, and it is encouraged here as long as it is helpful to other readers and not pure spam!
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