The ability to layer ones clothes is what sets a fashionable gent apart from the rest of the pack. Mastery of this skill is what will enable you to consistently produce fashionable outfits that express your unique personality. Layering is especially important during the winter and spring months because in addition to adding a flare to your style, it helps to keep you warm. Another great plus for mastering the art of layering is that it is an ideal way to plan ahead, if it is cold in the morning you have more layers, and as it gradually warms up during the day you can take of the required layers and still maintain a stylish persona.
The Metropolitan presents you with some simple guidelines to help you execute that perfect layered look that will keep you ahead of the curve.
1.The thinnest layers always come first (closest to the skin), and they are then topped off with heavier garments which rest over top. This means you want to first put on cotton t-shirts, dress shirts or vests, and use it as a canvas for putting on heavier garments on top of that.
2.Your outfit doesn’t have to match the dull weather outside. If it is cloudy or rainy, that doesn’t mean that you have to wear dull colours to match the environment. Try adding a pop of colour here or there, and you will find that it will lift your spirits as well! Splashes of reds, hints of purple and dashes of green will set you apart from the other monochromatically garmented people that you will see on the streets.
3.In addition to injecting colour into your outfit, remember that each layer has to have the ability to be worn on its own. That means if you take off the layer on top, the layer that remains has to look great as a standalone outfit. This is one of the biggest secrets in layering.
4.Each layer has to tie with the layer above and below it. For example, don’t pair a loud graphic t-shirt with a shabby old vest and dress shirt because you are just creating a hodge-podge look that isn’t aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Aim for congruency. It is always fun to experiment, however, if the occasion deems it necessary to wear formal attire, never go above three layers.
Let us now check out some possible layered looks:
Look 1
This first look is very casual and great for spring time because it keeps you warm, and stylish at the same time. This type of outfit is great for college students because of its more relaxed nature. The hoodie can be removed if the classroom becomes too stuffy, and you will still be able to maintain a trendy style because of the vest and scarf. If you need to get physical for whatever reason, just remove the vest and scarf and you have a crisp white t-shirt with clean lines.
Look 2
Our second look will give you that edgy bad boy appeal. Stick to dark colours and layer a long leeved button up shirt with a dark tank top. Choose a stylish scarf and a structured form fitting black leather jacket and you are good to rock.
Look 3
Our third and final look is the most formal, but heavy on the accessories for those that want to spice it up a notch. The red and white striped tie adds a pop of colour against the backdrop of the white shirt. The navy blue cardigan with toggle buttons goes well with the raw denim jeans and looks equally stylish unfastened as it does closed. The driving gloves add a touch of class and will keep your hands warm during the cool spring breezes. We’d love to hear your views on the topic of layering. So if you would like to get interactive, leave your comments in the comments selection below and make yourself heard!
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