There is no denying it, the "man bag" is not a fad, but a style staple. Only recently adopted by North Americans, variations of the carry-all have been used by men the world over for years now. So this begs the question “what's in the bag ?” So in an effort to answer this question, the Metropolitan presents to you a short guide about what to carry in your carry-all, and not in your pockets.
Your mobile phone is an obvious item to carry in your kit bag. Some people who staunchly oppose the carry-all argue that it is inconvenient to have to search through a bag for a ringing device, however, the fact of the matter is that the majority of carry-alls have a dedicated compartment for mobile phones and other networking devices.
When it rains, it pours—and that is certainly going to destroy your outfit. So to keep dry in all weather it is advisable to carry a compact collapsible umbrella in your carry-all. Just remember to bring the sleeve that came with your umbrella as well, because you would be quite foolish to shove a wet umbrella back into your kit.
The following item is optional because most people carry electronic organizers or mobile phones with those capabilities, but for all you old school gents out there you can put your old school diary in your kit bag as well....Don’t forget your pen as well!
What’s that funky smell? Oh it’s you! Always a good idea to carry some deodorant or cologne in your kit.
To continue with the topic of grooming, some basic supplies are a good idea also.
Your mp3 player.
It’s quite clear why carry-alls have taken off stateside recently because nothing ruins a good expensive pair of jeans like bulging pockets because of all the things that people stuff in there these days. So let us know in the comments section below if you are feeling these suggestions! Or tell us what you carry in your bag.
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