Fashion has a very short memory and every few decades something that was popular in yesteryear will come back in a brand new package. Most of us are too nearsighted to remember the era of glasses. Yes, there was a time when it was extremely hip to don glasses, the really thick plastic type. If you are new to prescription eyewear we suggest that you go for a slim shaped frame as this is a classic look that will remain timeless. However, if you would like to add a touch of boldness to your chic style that is sure to get noticed, find out what Buddy Holly knew back in the 1950’s.
Buddy Holly, ranked by Rolling Stone as #15 of the 50 greatest musicians of all time.
The classic chunky black frame is definitely vogue once again, as we find evidence of modern recreations of the original design being sported by celebrities.
Musician/Actor Justin Timberlake is helping to bring sexyback.
And many well known others...nerds of the world rejoice!!!
There are many variations of this classic eyewear, but in order to get it right like screen legend Michael Caine (pictured above), be sure to select glasses that fit the proportions of your face, and are not excessively large. Also notice how he chose a simple button-down shirt and tie so that the eye glasses are the focal point of the outfit. In this particular picture he is wearing authentic Ray-Bay Wayfarer eyeglasses. The original design worn by Michael Caine is now difficult to track down in local shops and boutiques, but you can purchase them here.
LeBron James shows us the right way to wear this trend, simple and chic.
James Dean will forever be idolized as the rebel with rugged good looks, but when he wore his black glasses we have a more sobering view of this great actor.
The Metropolitan endorses the revival of the chunky black frames, but that’s not what is important, we’d like to hear your opinion about this developing trend. Would you rock these? Leave your comments in the comments section below, and take part in our poll!
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