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Saturday, March 6, 2010

WTF Jeans Protects Your Junk

Posted on 8:22 AM by Metropolitan

Are you having a hard time slipping your iPhone or iPodTouch into the pockets of your standard issue jeans? Are you one of those people that carry around a memory stick everywhere you go? If you work in the tech industry, or are just a plain techno-geek, boy have we got a treat for you today. WTF jeans have just developed a new product that features its patented “easy in, easy out” pocket designed specifically for iPodTouch or iPhone. The pocket is lined with micro-fibre in order to protect your techno-goods while in the pockets, and the jeans even boast a hidden pocket for your memory stick.
That’s all good that it protects your techno-toys, but amazingly the designers also felt it necessary to provide that same level of protection for your natural junk, yes that’s right folks it protects your delicate nuts (ya we said it), and they even took the time to highlight that area by double stitching that area to show it off to all the ladies that may miss the boat on the fact that you are packing—at least that’s why we think they double stitched that area...
While the Metropolitan does not really endorse this product as highly fashionable and flattering for your body, it is an interesting concept for individuals who work in the tech industry and can theoretically become trendy for that particular niche group. Only 1000 pairs of these jeans will be produced and sold online only, making it a collector’s item, if you are interested visit the WTF Jeans website for more information.

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