If you work in an office that has a casual Friday policy in effect, this does not give you carte blanche to just put on whatever you feel, because you have to remember that you are marketing yourself as a professional, and therefore you have to project that image at all times. Depending on where you work the dress code can be extremely strict, or relatively loose throughout the week and this can often be a source of frustration for employees when it comes to choosing business casual outfits for that faithful Friday. We would like to introduce you to Sohail of Niagara Falls, Canada. Sohail is an energetic entrepreneur who owns his own automobile dealership, and is the newly elected President of the Brock University Student’s Union.
As an entrepreneur, and a man who holds public office, he has to maintain a professional image at all times—and this is why he dresses in smart business casual. His look is the perfect example to emulate for business casual attire at work, or if you are a public figure. Let us examine one of his outfits and see what we can learn from Sohail about the often unwritten, but fiercely followed casual dress code.
The outfit that Sohail is wearing in the image above is the perfect example of what can be worn to the office during the spring time. The argyle patterned sweater is beautifully matched with his shirt and helps to give him a clean and crisp silhouette. The colour combination that he selected is perfect for spring because it will add some colour to his environment, and make sure that he is noticed by his colleagues. He is wearing slightly muted purples, loud hues and pastels are more suited for summer loving.
The shade of orange in the second outfit is a great selection for autumn, especially in countries where the leaves turn colour. Notice that his trousers lack pleats, and this serves to create a more attractive image. Pleats should be avoided, particularly by large gentlemen as it will make you appear heftier. So, to attain the perfect casual Friday look you will require the following items:
Depending on the season and where you live, you will need a sweater. Opt for one made of merino or cashmere wool as they are of finer quality and will more likely be well constructed, hence higher quality. Choose a slim fit sweater as it will hug your body and look better. Opt for solid colours or at the most an argyle pattern, but nothing louder than that.
Granted that sweaters are great, but we at the Metropolitan prefer cardigans on men, just check out these dapper examples!
Pleatless trousers
Slim fit dress shirt, tie less, top two buttons unbuttoned
Opt for some fashionable shoes such as loafers as well, we can write a whole article about shoe selection and so we shall leave this for another time. Let us know your thoughts about business casual and if you think that Sohail pulls it off well. Tell us what you wear to the office on casual Friday, leave your comments in the comments section below! If you enjoyed this feature on Sohail we would appreciate it if you subscribe and follow the Metropolitan. Subscription and following is free!
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