We all need to do laundry, but some of us get our moms to do it...shame shame!!! But do you really understand all of the settings on your machine? Probably not, we’re here to help with a short guide to your washing machine and dryer.
This is the setting that you want to use if laundering your whites because the combination of hot water and strong speeds of the rotator will get your whites their whitest and kill the germs in the process! Basic undergarments such as underwear, t-shirts, gym socks, etc. are suited to this setting. Avoid washing your other clothes in this setting because the scalding hot water may cause fading of colours...we warned you!
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Coloured garments such as your dress socks, khakis, dress shirts (non dry clean type), polo shirts, etc. will be washed in this setting. This cycle is gentler than the one just discussed because the rotator will cycle at a slower speed. Interestingly the machine will first use warm water, and then rinse with cool water in an effort to reduce colour fade.
This cycle should be common sense, if your garment appears to be delicate or very light weight it should be washed in this cycle. Make sure to check the labels though, because it might read dry clean only.
Hand Wash
No your machine doesn’t have this setting marked on it, however, certain pieces such as wool sweaters, silk handkerchiefs or those kinky silk boxers that you have secretly stashed away need to be washed by hand only. Wash them in a sink with lukewarm water and a small amount of very mild scent free detergent. Rinse thoroughly and then lay it out flat to dry...DO NOT wring or hang to dry as this can cause some serious shrinkage.
For your most durable clothing that are made of heavyweight fabrics use this setting as it will apply the greatest amount of heat to minimize drying time. This setting will make your dryer extremely hot so take care not to put in any fragile articles of clothing into the inferno as they may shrink or colour fade.
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Just like with the washing machine, this setting is for coloured garments because the medium heat setting is designed to preserve the natural colour of the clothing. One helpful tip is to remove wrinkle resistant shirts and trousers before they are entirely dry, and hang them up to dry completely...this will make it less likely for you to have to iron the garments.
Similar to the washing machine counterpart, this setting is for delicate garments which are not very tolerant of heat, but take care not to keep your knitwear in the dryer for too long or you will observe some serious shrinkage.
Air Fluff
Not a setting on all dryers, but this helps to soften and loosen out some fabrics that may become stiff after drying. When put to this setting the dryer will just oscillate the spinner at room temperature and rely on circulation to soften the clothes.
Let us know your thoughts about laundry, and if you have any tips share them with us! Leave your comments in the comments section below.
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