Style is dynamic, ever changing, always fluid, never static. The master of a fashionable image has the ability to effortlessly piece together a host of different looks with a few basic pieces in his wardrobe. Our focus on individual style will be taking a closer look at Andreas from Gothenburg, Sweden. Andreas has a very manly style because he can often be seen wearing structured blazers, and form fitting leather jackets. that serve to accentuate his natural physique. From the sixteen images depicted below, one can get an idea of how he tailors the latest trends to suit his individuality. Notice how his tapered pants, and leather jackets jive well with the recent 1980s revival, but he still manages to exude the confidence of his own personal touch by doing things such as adding a large textured scarf (picture 8) or creatively wearing a denim jacket underneath a blazer (picture 7). This creative approach to fashion creates a style that is varied and not monotonous. Even with a quick glance from a distance, a close friend will easily be able to identify Andreas because of his trade mark stylistic qualities.
From the pictures above we can gather that Andreas uses classically tailored blazers and jackets as the canvas for his style, and then adds unique items of flare to draw attention to his personality. Jackets and blazer form the core to most of his looks. Uniquely styled items such as scarves, bags, and boots quickly amp up the personality of any outfit! Let us analyze one of his outfits to learn some of his stylistic properties.
This is a very utilitarian style that is extremely adaptable because it is as equally effective for a night out with the boys, as it is for attending college classes. His jeans are not excessively tight, nor baggy, and this allows for them to fit nicely into his boots when tucked in. The grey hoodie is perfect for winter and spring months as it provides added protection from rain or snow. Grey is a neutral colour and adds an edgy badboy appeal to this outfit. Andreas finishes off the look with a nicely tailored black leather jacket. It is important to note that when purchasing a leather jacket, the tighter the fit, the better. A good fitting leather jacket serves to amplify the natural contours of your body.
So in order to attain this particular look displayed by Andreas you will require the following key pieces.
Leave us your thoughts in the comments section below. Is this style suitable for where you live, what do you like most about it, or dislike? We'd love to hear from you as your comments shape our future articles!
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